BolderLife Kick-Off 2014
Thank you attendees, guests, speakers and volunteers for this great BolderLife kick off event!!
We celebrated the Bold Educators of Colorado and enjoyed a wonderful evening together at our very first BolderLife Gala.
Pictures by Laurie Haak and Verena Toth
- BolderLife Educators Event
- BolderLife Gala
- BolderLife Bar: Chris and Howard
- Bolder Educators speaking with Dawn and Tara
- BLF Silent Auction Table
- Festival Director Erin Kelly
- Vonalda and Diane (Director Women’s Program)
- Welcome to BolderLife 2014: Anthony and Jobi
- Welcome to our new venue: AJ in front of the Holiday Event Center
- Welcome to our new venue: AJ in front of the Holiday Event Center
- Courtney (Director Student Program) and Dawn (amazing auctioneer)
- time to rest and eat
- BLF silent auction table
- Erin speaking with guests from SafeHouse Denver
- BLF Directors in conversation: Diane (Women’s Program) and Courtney (Student Program)
- BolderLife Gala 2014
- our amazing auctioneer and BLF staff member Dawn Bower
- Guests at the Gala
- Guests at the Gala
- Shannon Boltz – Speaker from SafeHouse Denver
- Diane Feliciano (Co Founder)
- Erin Kelly (Director and Founder)
- Diane Feliciano (Co Founder)
- BolderLife Gala 2014
- BLF team at work: Erin, Courtney, Jobi and Diane
- Photographer Laurie and guest
- BLF team on work
- BLF Merchandise
- Silent Auction Table
- Happy Guests
- Silent Auction
- yummy food
- silent auction
- BLF team
- Courtney Merage – Student Program Director
- Chair Safe House Denver
- Funny Raffle
- Staff and Guest
- Guest
- Courtney
- Guest
- Guest
- Dawn
- Safe House Denver Ladies
- Goody Bag for Bold Educators
- Welcome Bold Educators
- Volunteer AJ
- Guests arriving
- Time to meet and mingle
- Verena Toth Marketing Director
- Jobi Berger Filmmaker Liaison
- Mark and friends
- Guests
- guests at the Gala
- Diane Feliciano Women’s Program Director
- Shannon Boltz – Safe House Denver
- Erin Kelly Festival Director
- Erin Kelly
- Vonalda Utterback
- the gala
- BLF Theater
- Maggie Morrison Rose Andom Center
- Live Auction
- Live Auction
- Guests
- BLF Staff at work
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