Our educational program sets us apart from other festivals.
Featured Speakers:
Judith Simmer-Brown Ph.D.
Thursday Sept 20th at 6:00pm – Nomad Theatre
Creating an Enlightened Society in and around Boulder*
(Photo by Elaine Logan)
* Synopsis: Judith’s talk will focus on the creation of an enlightened society in our local community of Boulder and the Front Range, based on a combination of both Buddhist and Shambhala teachings. By “enlightened society” Judith is referring to a society that is cognisant of, recognizes and honors the basic goodness of each member in that society.
Brought to you in association with Boulder Shambhala Center and Naropa University
For more information on Judith Simmer-Brown Ph.D. click here.
Rosalind Wiseman
Friday Sept 21st at 5:30pm – Nomad
Saturday Sept 22nd at 10:00am – Nomad – Parents and Children
An interactive, participatory workshop for parents and teens of both sexes. An entertaining, fun seminar where parents and teens get to convey and experience the perspective from the other side.
Call2ACTion: Latina Culture, Family Dynamics, Coming Out
Sunday Sept 23rd at 6:10 – Education Center
Come hear Rose Garcia share her story of coming out to her devout Catholic family and how their reaction affected her life. Being of Puerto Rican heritage significantly impacted how she shared her truth. Have the opportunity to have an open dialogue about your own experience and share thoughts about family dynamics, support, lack of acceptance and coming out.
How To Thrive During Transitions
Presenters: HoloBeing Practitioners Lesley Glenner, Marissa Grasmick, Erin Hernandez, Kate Sciolino and Jessica Reeves
Thursday Sept 20th 4:00- 5:00pm – Education Center
Are you going through a time of change, transition or upheaval? During this mini workshop learn how to find balance and ease amidst whatever life throws your way and also tools to: stay sane during times of change; feel relaxed yet energized during times of stress; integrate your experience so you feel clear, grounded and strong during transitions
The mission of HoloBeing is to assist individuals in the journey toward authentic Selfhood. We integrate Psychotherapy with other healing modalities such as Acupuncture, Rolfing, Nutrition Therapy and Massage. HoloBeing practitioners Leslie Glenner, MA HoloBeing founder, Kate Sciolino L.Ac, Marissa Grasmick, MA, Erin Hernandez, MA, and Jessica Reeves, LMP, will be presenting. Click here to learn more about HoloBeing and the presenters.
Sweet Fruit From the Bitter Tree – Peaceful Ways Out of Conflict
Presenter: Mark Andreas
Friday Sept 21st, 6:00pm – Education Center
Cost: $8 Students/Seniors $10 Regular
Join us for a reading and a interactive workshop where we’ll explore real-life scenarios in small groups, and learn how others did the radically unexpected to resolve extreme conflict.
This workshop is a part of our peace programming, pairing with our Peace Shorts Program.
Mark is a NLP practitioner and trainer, fiction and nonfiction author, with experience in mediation and wilderness therapy. His new book, Sweet Fruit from the Bitter Tree: 61 Stories of Creative and Compassionate Ways out of Conflict, includes stories from Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, NonViolent Communication founder Marshall Rosenberg, Colonel Christopher P. Hughes, Milton H. Erickson, and more.
Seed Saving for the Gardener & Farmer ~ Seeds of Our Ancestors, Gifts for Our Children
Presenter: Ross Rogers
Friday Sept 2, 4:45- 5:45p, Exploratorium, outside of Kelly Barn
Join the Living Seed Library for a journey through the life cycle of our beloved plants. From seed, to sprout, to vegetable, to flower and back to seed again. Most all our foods, flowers, and medicinal herbs go through this beautiful process.
Come learn how to grow, harvest, dry and store seeds of our favorite plants. More info at Living Seed Library or email Ross at SacredLifeSeeds@gmail.com.
Open to all. This workshop is paired with our feature documentary, Urban Oddyssey.
Filmmaker Panel
Presenters: Attending Filmmakers
Saturday Sept 22nd at 11:30a – Education Center
Come hear our attending filmmakers share their stories, experience and expertise on filmmaking.
Soul Sex: Intimacy, soulful and sensual connections in a Modern World
Presenter: Jenny Ferry
Saturday Sept 22nd, 5:30pm – Education Center
Cost: $8 Students/Seniors $10 Regular
Jenny Ferry is a leader in the emerging field of conscious sexuality, and author of the forthcoming book, Soul Sex: Creating the Conscious Connection You Crave. Jenny is more than a coach, she works with groups and individuals as an agent of desire in the field of creating soulful intimacy in people’s lives. She is on a mission to magnify the connection between sex and the simple, sacred joy of living an uncompromised life, teeming with the fulfillment of your desires.
A visionary and dynamic speaker, Jenny leads workshops throughout the U.S. and Canada, and works with private clients across the globe. She dedicates her mission to showing people how to flood their lives with energy, use desire as a compass, and come fully alive to open up the way for people to experience nourishing, intimate, electrifying sexual and sensual practices.
Jenny is highly regarded for her down-to-earth, compassionate coaching and leadership. Based out of Boulder, Jenny runs local community workshops at Prana Boulder, on Pearl St, and at the new Prana Denver in Cherry Creek.

Presenters: Brian Dunn & Deborah Sclar
Thursday Sept 20, 8:45p- 10:45p – Kelly Barn
CLICK HERE FOR MORE ART IN MOTION WORKSHOPS including Laughter Yoga, Hip Hop, Moving Perspectives & more.
Where Has Your Grief Gone?
Presenter: Carole Lindroos, MA LPC
Saturday Sept 22nd, 7:45pm – Educational Center
Life is constantly changing and grief is ever present. How do we connect with ourselves and others through our losses and create deeper connections rather than distance? Join us to acknowledge and listen with our minds and hearts. This is both a didactic and experiential presentation.
Carole Lindroos, MA LPC has been a licensed professional counselor since 1994, and is in private practice in Boulder. She has been a hospice chaplain, served as program director of a nonprofit supporting those diagnosed with cancer and their families and offers workshops and seminars on grief and end of life issues. She is an engaging and skillful presenter. Her website is www.clindroos.com.
In Justice, inAccord: Alternative Dispute Resolution Workshop
Presenter: Shauna Ries
Saturday, September 22nd, 3pm- Educational Center
Shauna Ries, President of Mediators without Borders; Author of Injustice, inAccord Presents this workshop on learning to make the covert, overt in conflict situations. This 45-minute interactive workshop and presentation will provide insight into the Touchstone Skills, utilized by mediators globally.
This workshop will be paired with Fambul Tok, screening at 1:30pm, Saturday in the Nomad Theatre.

This workshop will be paired with films Vittorio andCord, screening at the Kelly Barn on Sunday 9/23 at 7:00pm.